The Eighteen Days of Christmas

2015-12-01 13.06.10

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Family


For me, the true heart of Christmas is family. Whether it be the one you were born into, or the family you choose, Christmas is a time to celebrate with the ones you love.

Family is also at the heart of Candy Canes & Coffee Beans. I’ve already introduced Asher, his pseudo-sister Lulu, and his cat loving mother Judith, but there are two members of another family who are eagerly waiting to say hello. This story would have never happened if four year old Sawyer Grant had not begged his Uncle Killy to see Santa at the mall. After a difficult year, their chance meeting with a certain Christmas loving mall elf was one made of pure Christmas magic. Their little family is new, but they are finding their way.

Family has always been the center of my world, even though my immediate family growing up was small. Mom, dad, brother and me. The only grandparent I knew passed away when I was seven, and what cousins I had were quite removed, both on the family tree and in proximity. I was also the baby of the family, as my brother was twelve when I was born. So even when he got married, my new sister-in-law’s sisters were much older.

When I met my hubby, I was so lucky to marry into a wonderful and slightly larger family. We had our minion just shortly after the hubby’s brother and wife finished with their three, and all of a sudden Christmas went from being few to many. The minion is the “honourary brother” to his cousins, and they have such a close relationship that I know it will continue as they grow and have their own families.

My brother also gave me a niece and nephew, so in total I have three nieces and two nephews. And I am that Auntie. You know, the one who can be the older sister, but also the other-mother when it’s called for. I also have a fair amount of street cred with my purple hair and ink. I love them all, and watching them grow up into such incredible adults and almost-adults is such an absolute gift. I’m having a heart clench just thinking about them.

Then of course there is my family. The hubby and our minion. Anyone who follows me knows how I feel about them. I married my soulmate…my best friend. Then, we somehow produced this completely new human being that just keeps amazing us year after year. I have no need to win the lottery, because I won the most important one in my life. My family.

Until tomorrow all!


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