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Just a Little Something…

So although I’m in the middle of writing a m/f romance, I’ve been chomping at the bit to write something in the m/m genre. I’d had a little cute-meet come to mind just before the holidays that I was going to turn into a short story, but with the chaos of the season, it never happened. I decided that in line… Read more →

My 2015 Declaration

Happy 2015!   Another year of possibilities. Another year to procrastinate. Another year to watch go by in a blink of an eye.   In 2010, I entered into my 40th year. Now, I’ve never been one to fret about the phases of life – My 20’s were surprising but wonderful. I actually looked forward to my 30’s, thanks to… Read more →

Perils of Digging Rabbit Holes

Well, this is just a little embarrassing. I took a look back at the date of my last blog entry, and apparently I have been quiet since last September. Definitely embarrassing. Unfortunately, my blog hasn’t been the only thing suffering from lack of wordage. September was probably the last time I actually wrote anything new for my book. I’ve done… Read more →

Birthing a Chapter

When I was in labour with my son, he didn’t want to come out. He was way too warm and cozy, all tucked inside me. I should have known then what a stubborn kid he was going to be. Anyhoo, I pushed and pushed, and finally they brought out the baby-vac…it sucks onto the baby’s head and gives the doctor… Read more →

The Naughty Latte

I learned an important writing lesson today that I feel must be shared.   I spend most of my mornings at my local Starbuck’s writing. It was my husband’s suggestion…get out of the house and away from household distractions while I write. It keeps the child and pets away, plus the access to free refills of my favourite blonde roast… Read more →