So although I’m in the middle of writing a m/f romance, I’ve been chomping at the bit to write something in the m/m genre. I’d had a little cute-meet come to mind just before the holidays that I was going to turn into a short story, but with the chaos of the season, it never happened. I decided that in line… Read more →
My 2015 Declaration
Happy 2015! Another year of possibilities. Another year to procrastinate. Another year to watch go by in a blink of an eye. In 2010, I entered into my 40th year. Now, I’ve never been one to fret about the phases of life – My 20’s were surprising but wonderful. I actually looked forward to my 30’s, thanks to… Read more →
The Artist Formerly Known As…
…me. Welcome to a new and improved Rabbit Hole. Ok, well not so much improved but definitely new. I had quite a few things to cover in this post (story changes, NaNoWriMo, addition of book reviews to the blog), but I need to address one thing first, and then I’ll get to the others in later posts. I apologize in… Read more →
Rabbit Hole Housecleaning – Pt. 1
Holy Crap! Look at this place. I really should have had someone keep an eye on my rabbit hole while I’ve been gone. Who would have thought that a hole in the ground could get so bloody filthy. That’ll teach me to take time off from my blog. And my book. And writing in general. Oh well, I’ve made some… Read more →
Perils of Digging Rabbit Holes
Well, this is just a little embarrassing. I took a look back at the date of my last blog entry, and apparently I have been quiet since last September. Definitely embarrassing. Unfortunately, my blog hasn’t been the only thing suffering from lack of wordage. September was probably the last time I actually wrote anything new for my book. I’ve done… Read more →
One Small Step. One Bloody Giant Leap
So I’ve been writing now for almost 8 months now (with a few months off over the summer), and it’s coming along really well. I’ve given it to a few more people to read, and the feedback has been surprisingly good. Although I now have people breathing down my neck to get more chapters cranked out. Last week I thought… Read more →
Dead End Tunnels and Happy Places
Digging your own rabbit hole is an exciting adventure. However, despite the discoveries you make on your journey, sometimes you find yourself in a dead end. Hello all. No, I didn’t fall off the edge of the Earth. I could say that the summer was busy, my son was home from school, and I spent way too much time on… Read more →
Birthing a Chapter
When I was in labour with my son, he didn’t want to come out. He was way too warm and cozy, all tucked inside me. I should have known then what a stubborn kid he was going to be. Anyhoo, I pushed and pushed, and finally they brought out the baby-vac…it sucks onto the baby’s head and gives the doctor… Read more →
Cosmos and the Hurdles of Self-Doubt
So I’ve been on a bit of a break. It started off as a few days to try and figure out a bit of writer’s block, and it’s turned into a multi-week hiatus. I have this picture in my mind of all my characters standing around, looking at each other, waiting for their next cue. They are the true victims… Read more →
The Naughty Latte
I learned an important writing lesson today that I feel must be shared. I spend most of my mornings at my local Starbuck’s writing. It was my husband’s suggestion…get out of the house and away from household distractions while I write. It keeps the child and pets away, plus the access to free refills of my favourite blonde roast… Read more →