Monthly Archives: December 2015


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the seventeenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Christmas Magic There is something in the air at Christmas. When the snow is lightly falling and the tinsel on the tree is sparkling from the multicoloured lights, there’s a warmth (at least for me) that spreads through me making my heart smile. Some call it the… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the sixteenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Children Children. Christmas. Chaos. Those three words are meant to go together this time of year. Between the continuous sugar rush from Christmas treats, their entire world a glow with twinkling colours, and the knowledge that a man in a bright red suit will hopefully be making a… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the fifteenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Decorations Now is the time that trees are being picked up from tree farms and parking lots, finally ready to be placed in their stands and decorated with twinkly lights. ‘Tis the time for halls to be decked and mistletoe to be hung. While Asher uses every decoration in… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the fourteenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Mall Santa Castles Once the Halloween candy is finished and all thoughts look towards Christmas (at least in Canada…the States have an extra holiday thrown in between), construction starts at almost every mall in the country. Because of course, every Santa needs his Santa castle. Asher has… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the thirteenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Mall Santas It’s a yearly pilgrimage for children to trudge through the snow and slush to deliver Christmas wishes to Santa Claus. In malls around the country, men don the read velvet suit and sit on the red velvet chair so little ones can sit on their lap… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

One the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Christmas Memories This Christmas will be the forty-fifth in my lifetime. Wow, okay, that’s a lot. Forty-five holidays, each one like a vivid chapter of my life. Some of the characters in those chapters are now gone, while others continue to make memories with me as time marches… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Small Town Main Streets Christmas in the big city is full of hustle and bustle, the air alive with festive energy. The big city also has crowds, traffic, and odd odors of questionable origin. Give me a small town with it’s quaint charm and friendly locals any day.… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Christmas Yummies Christmas season is in full swing, parties and celebrations quickly filling up the calendar between now and December twenty-fifth. And what would a Christmas party be without ugly sweaters, awkward mistletoe kisses, and most importantly, all the delicious Christmas food. Oh yes…all the food! Whether handing… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Moms Eep! We’re at the halfway point of our days of Christmas! Since it’s a milestone post, I think it calls for a very special subject – moms. In Candy Canes & Coffee Beans, Judith Rye is the cat-loving, filter-challenged mother of Asher Rye. She loves her cats.… Read more →