On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me – Friendship
Friends are the family you choose…I saw that on a pillow, or a meme with a cute cat (or maybe it was a squirrel). But it’s true. Some people fill their lives with a multitude of friends, while others only have a cherished few. Friends can live next door, across town, or on the other side of the world. The connected world allows us to have friends where distance is no longer a barrier. But whether many or few, they brighten our lives.
In Candy Canes & Coffee Beans, Asher has a rather rag-tag crew of friends. His life hasn’t really followed the same path as the kids with whom he went to school, so he’s collected those he cares about as he’s followed his dreams. Although Christmas comes but once a year, Ash and the Santa gang are good friends and look out for one another. And then there’s Lu. Lulu is Asher’s co-worker at It’s Bean A While, and he trusts her with his world. She is his one constant, morphing into a two- headed sister/best friend beast. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to kill her sometimes.
She was my bestie, my tormentor, and my confidante. I loved her and wanted to strangle her daily. She was perfect.
Friends are people who share interests, outlooks, or maybe the extreme need for a shipped pair to become canon. That’s not to say friends can’t disagree and fight to the near death, but in the end they come back together because there is just something that pulls them close, some tug of the heart. They are part of your tribe.
I’ve always had a rather small tribe. Finding others who share my certain brand of weirdness has been tricky. Geek chic was so not around when I was growing up. I tried to be a closet geek but my nerdiness was too bright. I do have a lovely group of people around me now, but make no mistake, I am the crazy one.
But then I found a tribe of people who are, amazingly, as weird as me. And as I’ve always told my minion, weird is good. I was so fortunate to finally meet some of these amazing friends in San Diego at GRL this year, and my luck doubled as made news ones as well. Funny, creative and crazy…each and every one of you. Whether I’ve met you in person or only shared late night craziness online as we came up with new and improved Chuck Tingle titles, I cherish knowing you. You make me smile, and give the best virtual hugs. Plus it’s kind of cool knowing that pretty much wherever I go in the world, I can find a friend for a real life hug.
Thank you my tribe! I’ll see you all here again tomorrow.