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The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – S*** It’s a four letter word. S-N-O-W. Some love it…some hate it. But for a lot of us, we know it’s going to come, whether we want it or not. Asher Rye believes in all forms of Christmas magic. Twinkling lights. Santa Claus. Tinsel covered Christmas trees.… Read more →


The Eighteen Days of Christmas

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – Childhood Friends One of the things I love most about writing is drawing inspiration from real life, whether it be a conversation, an event or pretty much anything. Sometimes, you just can’t make up the real world…it’s just too damn good. This is Boo. Boo is a goat. Boo is a… Read more →

Cover Reveal!

  Deep breath…deep breath. Ok. Wow. I’m actually writing a post about my very first cover reveal. This is completely insane. Just…how?   I’ve been that person, who for the last 2 years, says they’re writing, but has nothing to show for it. No wait, I have lots of loose ends, unfinished plots, and characters who are waiting in the middle… Read more →